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* [[Discontinuity]]: Played for laughs. The last episode of [[Show Within a Show]] Striprism is [[Noodle Incident|apparently]] awful, with both hardcore fans and newcomers hating it. Kati mentions before the marathoning the cast can enjoy "all 47" episodes of it <ref>48 episodes is a common anime length, similar to 64/[[Sixty-Five-Episode Cartoon|65 episodes]] for western production</ref>.
* [[Elegant Gothic Lolita]]: A frequent NPC in Akiba.
* [[Funny Foreigner]]: Also a common NPC. In the first game, one needs to purchase a very expensive dictionary to understand them.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Things that are ''meant'' to be used as weapons (wooden swords, police batons, the final boss's sword, armored gloves) are far outnumbered by the increasingly bizarre things that you would never expect to be (rhoombas, figurines, microphones and much much more).
* [[Loan Shark]]: You'll be hounded by them if you ever get into negative money in either game, though such good sources of money beating them up will quickly get you out of debt and, if you plan ahead and work to avoid your ''liquid'' assets rolling over to positive, it's actually a good way to make money. Heroine of [[Show Within a Show]] IT Witch Maria had to deal with them in the anime version of her backstory due to her deadbeat parents.
* [[Noodle Incident]]: What makes the final episode of Striprism so awful is never explained.
* [[Misfit Mobilization Moment]]: At the end of the first game all the NPCs you met in sidequests show up to help defend Akiba. Completing all of them adds far more people helping out.